How to Read a Book

Chapter1 - 3문단

(1) There is some feeling nowadays that reading is not as necessary as it once was.

There is some feeling nowadays
                    reading is not
                              as necessary
                              as it once was.


* 목적격 명사절


요즘에는 독서가 과거에 한때 그랬던것처럼 꼭 필수는 아니라는 느낌이 든다.


(2) Radio and especially television have taken over many of the functions once served by print, just as photography has taken over functions once served by painting and other graphic arts.

Radio and especially television
          have taken over
                    many of the functions once served
                              by print,
just as photography
          has taken over
                    functions once served
                              by painting and other graphic arts.



* just as ~ : 꼭 ~처럼


* 3형식
* 현재완료 have taken


그림이나 그래픽 아트에 의해 한때 제공된 기능들을 사진이 대체해온 것처럼
라디오, 특히 텔레비전은 한때 인쇄물에 의해 제공된 기능의 많은 부분을 대체해 왔다.


(3) Admittedly, television serves some of these functions extremely well; the visual communication of news events, for example, has enormous impact.

television serves
          some of these functions (= functions served by print)
                    extremely well;
                              the visual communication of news events, for example,
                                        has enormous impact.



* Admittedly 인정하건대


압축 문장 : Television serves some of functions served by print well.
인정하건데 텔레비전은 이러한 기능(인쇄물이 하던 기능)들을 아주 잘 제공한다;
예를들어 뉴스의 시각적인 의사소통은 강력한 영향을 가진다.


(4) The ability of radio to give us information while we are engaged in doing other things—for instance, driving a car—is remarkable, and a great saving of time.

The ability of radio
          to give us information
                    while we are engaged
                              in doing other things - for instance, driving a car -
                    a great saving of time.


* The ability of radio to give us information → The ability of radio gave us information 4형식


The ability of radio is remarkable and a great saving of time.
라디오의 능력은 주목할만하고, 시간을 절약해준다.

우리가 다른것을 하는것에 열중해 있는 동안 우리에게 정보를 주는 라디오의 능력은 (예를 들어 운전하는 중) 주목할만하고, 시간을 아주 많이 절약해준다.


(5) But it may be seriously questioned whether the advent of modern communications media has much enhanced our understanding of the world in which we live.

          it (가주어 = whether이후문장)
                    may be seriously questioned
                                        the advent of modern communications media (like radio)
                                                  has much enhanced
                                                            our understanding
                                                                      of the world in which we live.


*advent : 도래


* 현재완료 : has enhanced
* 수동태 : be questioned
* 전치사 in + 관계대명사 which = 관계부사 where
ex) I have a house + I live in a house
→ I have a house which I live in
→ I have a house in which I live
→ I have a house where live

Our understanding of the world in which we live
→ Our understanding of the world which we live in
→ Our understanding of the world + we live in the world

* 위의 it가주어, whether이후 문장이 진주어


하지만 근대 커뮤니케이션 미디어의 도래가 우리가 사는 세상에 대한 우리의 이해를 높였는지 아닌지는 심각하게 질문될 필요가 있다.


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