How to Read a Book

Chapter1 - 12문단

(1) Admittedly, writers vary, just as pitchers do.


인정하건데 작가들은 투수들이 하는것과 매우 유사하다.

(2) Some writers have excellent “control”; they know exactly what they want to convey, and they convey it precisely and accurately.

Some writers have excellent “control”;
          they know exactly what they want to convey,
          they convey it precisely and accurately.


몇몇 작가들은 훌륭한 "제구력"을 가지고 있다.
그들이 전달하고 싶은것이 무엇인지 정확하게 안다
그리고 신중하고, 정확하게 그것을 전달한다.


(3) Other things being equal, they are easier to “catch” than a “wild” writer without “control.”

Other things being equal,
they are easier to “catch”
          than a “wild” writer without “control.”


다른 조건이 같다면
그들은 제구가 안되는 무모한 작가보다 이해하기가 더 쉽다


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