실전에 가까운 뤼딩연습


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실전에 가까운 뤼딩연습~

다 하시지 않아도 좋습니다, 다만 중요한 건 직접 해보는 것/

1. What is a Pattern?

2. A pattern is a reusable solution that can be applied to commonly occurring problems in software design - in our case - in writing JavaScript-powered applications.

3. Another way of looking at patterns are as templates for how you solve problems - ones which can be used in quite a few different situations.

4. So, why is it important to understand patterns and be familiar with them?. 

5. Design patterns have three main benefits:

6. Patterns are proven solutions: 

7. They provide solid approaches to solving issues in software development using proven solutions that reflect the experience and insights the developers that helped define and improve them bring to the pattern.

8. Patterns can be easily re-used: A pattern usually reflects an out of the box solution that can be adapted to suit your own needs.

9. This feature makes them quite robust.

10. Patterns can be expressive: When you look at a pattern there’s generally a set structure and ‘vocabulary’ to the solution presented that can help express rather large solutions quite elegantly.


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