실전에 가까운 뤼딩연습

0514 미국 대학교육과 경제 - (1)

간만에 모닝 뤼딩~


음 올만에 모닝 뤼딩 해볼까요?

단 알버트님의 의견주신 것에 공감하는 부분이 있어서 함 시도해 봅니다 ^^

자 다음을 보시공 이 글의 저자가 하려는 얘기는 모에 대한 것이공,

그 이야기를 뭐에 빗대서 얘기하려는 걸까욤?

멀미가 나시더라고 꾹 참고 한번~ 


  • I'd like to tell you about higher education(대학교육) in this country today:
  • Do you remember the housing meltdown(주택가격 붕괴)?
  • It's hard to forget. 
  • The formula(공식) for the housing boom was simple.
  • A lot of easy money was lent to buyers.
  • But the buyers were not able to pay back the loan. 
  • They bought homes with that money, expecting the home price to go up.
  • They could easily refinance at a profit(이익을 보면서).
  • Nobody cared(아무도 신경쓰지 않았다) that they couldn't afford the loan.
  • As long as prices continued to go up(가격이 올라가는한), everyone was happy.
  • And prices kept on going up.
  • And real estate agents(부동산 중개업자) continued to sell homes and to find money for buyers.
  • And the easy money stopped.
  • When easy money stopped, buyers couldn't sell.
  • They couldn't refinance.
  • First, sales slowed.
  • Then price started going down. 
  • And then the housing bubble burst(거품이 꺼졌다).
  • Housing prices crashed(추락했다).
  • We know the rest of the story.
  • We're still confused with the results.
  • How is it different from what is happening in higher education?


다른 분들의 댓글도 보고, 이해한 것을 직접 써보시려면 이곳으로~



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