2015 주간개영작문

1주차. When I use English

Today's Topic. 내가 영어 쓰는 상황들


다른 분들이 쓰신 글을 보시려거나, 직접 이 주제에 대해서 글을 쓰시려면 이곳으로~ 


Some Feedbacks

글 하나만 골라서 약간 다르게 써보았습니다.

I read documents in English often because speification that I need to read for my work is written in English. So I have to read them. My co-workers say that it is not that hard but it IS hard for me. As for writing, from time to time I write an email in English to people who speak english. The content of  emails tend to be very short;;  About speaking in English, I don't really have any chances because I don't have any foreign friends. But if somebody talks to me in English using body language, I can understand him quite well. About improving my English skills, I want to understand English sentences better, more clearly, more accurately. Grammar is one of my weak points but I believe I can internalize grammatical knowledge by reading and writing a lot. That's why I haven't explicitly worked on English grammar a lot.  

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to lurk

(컴퓨터) 인터넷 채팅방에서 참여는 않고 대화 내용을 읽기만(지켜보기만) 하다. (스타크래프트에서 lurker라는 유닛도 있음)


  1. 안승례
  2. 김광수
  3. 양승조
  4. 전성하
  5. Merman Park
  6. JasonSe
  7. 이영찬
  8. 조호수
  9. Seoh Char


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