맥스앤루비 시즌 1 대본

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10 Max's Rocket Run

10 Max's Rocket Run
  Faster! Slow down Max! Don't get too far ahead. Faster! He got a new Speed Demon sled for Christmas and he can't wait to try it out. And I can't wait to go down Rocket Run! Do you think we're really ready to go down the Big hill? Of course! Some of the other Bunny Scouts have done it. Then we will too! Faster! We're coming, Max! There it is! Rocket Run! It's going to be so much fun! Yeah! Faster! Faster! Faster! Oh no, Max! That's Rocket Run! You're not going down that hill! Only big bunnies, like us, go down Rocket Run. Big bunnies with big toboggans, like ours. Come on. I'll show you where little bunnies go. You'll love it! This is Bunny Hill, Max. This is the hill you're going to go down. Won't it be fun Max? Where are you going Max? Faster! Oh no Max! Not down Rocket Run. Just give the Bunny Hill a try, Max. Here, I'll go down with you the first time. You get in first, and I'll give you a push. Ready? One ... two ... three ... Go! Faster! I think my weight slowed us down. Next time you'll go by yourself. That should help you go faster. Come on, Let's go back up to the top of the hill. Can we go down Rocket Run now? I'm ready if you're ready! I'm ready if you're ready! Do you want to go in front or behind? I don't know! The one in front gets the face full of snow. know! So... I'll go in front! Faster! No Max! You can only go down the Bunny Hill. But this time, you can go down on your own. And I'll give you a big push so you'll go faster. Faster! Ready? One ... Two ... Three ... Go! That was a lot faster Max! Yes, it definitely was! Now it's our turn! Are you ready, Louise? Ready, Ruby! Wow! Have you ever gone down a hill that fast? No wonder they call it Rocket Run! Well ... still want to go? Sure ... if you do. Faster! I know! We'll both push you this time, and you'll go really fast. Won't we Louise? Sure! Ready? One ... To ... Three ... Go! Alright, Max! That was the fastest yet! Maybe... we should watch the other bunnies go down Rocket Run before we go. Good idea, Ruby! All good Bunny Scouts look before they leap! I don't think we should try going down with no hands. Right. And we should try not to hit any bumps. Right. We can do it! Of course we can! We're Bunny Scouts! Bunny Scouts are brave and true. When a job must be done, what do we do? Hop to it! All right, I'll go in the front! As long as you promise not to cover your eyes! I won't! Where's the toboggan? Where's Max? His sled is here, but Max isn't! Oh no! He wouldn't! Max! Faster! Ruby! What are you doing? I have to get Max! Hold on! I'm coming too! Faster! Max! Are you all right? Faster!


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