맥스앤루비 시즌 1 대본

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09 Super Max

09 Super Max
  In a race against time Super Bunny hopped into action off to the rescue! Zooommm! Careful, Max! I almost spilled. I packed a nice lunch for our picnic with Louise. Sally Swims A Lot helped. You like picnics almost as much as you like swimming, don't you Sally? We'll need a nice big table cloth to spread out... This’ll be perfect for our picnic. Don't you think, Sally? Zooooomm! Max! Slow down! And so, once again Super Bunny saves the day! Start your day in a helthy way, eggs, eggs, eggs... We can read a book at out picnic. All right. Your show is over, Max. Now it’s time to go back to being Regular Bunny. You need to get changed for our picnic with Louise. I just have to pack a few more things in our basket. It's very sunny, so we'll need lots of sun screen. Zooommm... Max! We'll need these binoculars in case we spot any red warblers. Emergency.. Emergency.. Suuuuppper Buuuunnny! It's time to stop playing Super Bunny, Max. Come on, we have to meet Louise at the park soon. Sally and I made some delicious lettuce and jam sandwiches... Wait a second. Where is Sally Swims A Lot? Hmmmm... That's funny. She was here a minute ago. Max, have you seen Sally Swims A Lot? Let me see...Hmmmm... I picked up a book from the bookshelf. Suuuppper Bunny! Whhooaa!! Max! I need your help. Sally Swims A Lot is missing. We've got to find her! Super Bunny! Good thinking Max! I must have left her upstairs. You check your room and I'll check mine. Where could you have gone, Sally? A-ha! There you are! Oh, hello Tooth Fairy. Have you seen Sally Swims A Lot? Thanks anyway. Zoom! Max? Max? Where did he...? Ahh! I thought you were going to help me Max. Sally Swims A Lot has never been missing this long. I'm getting worried. Sally? Is that you under there? Here's Mr. and Mrs. Quack ... Hello Walkie Talkie Bear ... Don't bother getting up, Can't Sit Up Slug... Wait... Oh, hello Rapunzel. I don't suppose you've seen Sally Swims A Lot, have you? Max, have you had any luck finding... What is it Max? Super Bunny! You know, Max. I think a real super hero would help a poor little lost doll, don't you? Sally Swims A Lot needs our help, and I'm not giving up until I find her! I remember she was in here... but she's not now. Super Bunny! Of course! Sally and I were in the kitchen making sandwiches! Sally, I'm so glad I... Hhmmm... Maybe outside? Max, ... Watch out for the!! Noooo!!! Sally Swims A Lot! I'm so sorry, Sally. You saved her, Max! Or should I say... Super Bunny! And once again Super Bunny saves the day! Tune in next time for another thrilling adventure of ... “Suuuppper Buuunnny!”
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