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20 [C] 대입(할당) 연산자와 표현식 (복합 대입 연산자)

Assignment Operators and Expressions (대입(할당) 연산자와 표현식)


Expressions such as


i = i + 2


in which the variable on the left hand side is repeated immediately on the right, can be written in the compressed form


i += 2


The operator += is called an assignment operator.


Most binary operators (operators like + that have a left and right operand) have a corresponding assignment operator op=, where op is one of


+      -      *     /      %      <<      >>      &


If expr 1 and expr 2 are expressions, then


expr 1 op = expr 2


is equivalent to


expr1 = (expr1) op (expr2)


except that expr1 is computed only once. Notice the parentheses around expr2:


x *= y + 1




x = x * (y + 1)


rather than


x = x * y + 1


As an example, the function bitcount counts the number of 1-bits in its integer argument.


#include <stdio.h>

/* count 1 bites in x */

int bitcount(unsigned int);

int main(void)


    unsigned int src = 14;

    printf("%d \n %s", bitcount(src), "t");

    return 0;


 bitcount(unsigned int x) {

    int b;

/*  for (b = 0; x != 0; x >>= 1){

           if (x & 01) {





    for (b = 0; x != 0; x &= (x-1)) {



    return  b;

} [원본에서 출력 프로그램 만들었음]



Declaring the argument x to be unsigned ensures that when it is right-shifted, vacated bits will be filled with zeros, not sign bits, regardless of the machine the program is run on.




[The C Programming Language p.50]


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