둘 past and future

Lesson2 Future tense in Difficult way.

Lesson2 Difficult way. 

Korean now use future tense. It is the influence of English. We use the verb endings어미 for guessing, opinion, hope, promise, goal.

할 거에요 > 하겠네요 > 하겠어요 > 하려고요, 할 게요 (not guess)

  • ~하ㄹ 거에요. ~이ㄹ 거에요. be going to, will. want to~ / I am sure that~ (In comparatively objective reason, plan, criteria)
    • Natural 내일 야구 경기가 열릴 거에요. There is going to be a baseball game tomorrow.
      • ​It is a fact, or guessing with sure. People may think the one has a good reason. The one may heard the news.
        • 열릴 거에요. <= 열리(다) +ㄹ 거에요
        • ​(경기가) 열리다/열려요. be open.
        • ​열다, 열어요. open
    • Natural 약이 효과가 있을 거에요.​ The medicine is going to be work.
      •  거에요<= 있 거에요.<=있(다) + ㄹ거에요.
      • ​효과가 있다. be (usually good) effective, work (well), help
    • Natural (왕자님은 독을 드셨어요.) 우리 예쁜 왕자님은 이미 돌아가셨을 거에요. (He ate the poison) I'm sure that our pretty prince has already passed away.
      • 예쁜 = pretty​
      • 왕자, 왕자님 = prince
      • 이미 = already
      • 돌아가시다, 돌아가셔요 pass away = 죽다, 죽어요's honorific = dead
      • She can omit the green part. when korean use ~할 거에요. It is strong and serious. As i said, people would thik that she has a enough good reason. Even if we don't know it. She may be the doctor, or heard that from doctor.
    • But recently ~할 거에요 is used commonly just like english's future tense, Even if it's not sure. It is also the influence of english.
  • -겠- emphasize the teller's will or reason. They are more subjective and weak than '~거에요.'
    • ~하겠네요. ~이겠네요.  will, be going to. / want to, guess. I think That
    • They are similar to ~겠어요, but It is more commonly used with the reason as the cause and the effect, not with one's will, why.
      • Need more context (저는 똑똑하니까요.) 제 아버지는 가난하지만, 저는 부자가 되겠네요. (Because I am smart.) My father is poor, but I will be rich. 
        • ​The fact that his father is poor isnt a good reason the one will be rich. Need more reason like the orange part. 
        • The reason why we want or guess so, usually Not the reason as the cause. 
      • Natural 이거 오래 걸리겠네요. (reason is obvious in the context) (I think that) This will take a long time (...Even if it is not one's will.)
        • <=걸리(다) + ~겠네요
        • (시간이) 걸리다 / 걸려요 take (a time)
        • 오래 = long time (adverb)
      • Natural 그러면 지금 힘들겠네요. So (I think that) You (must) be tired now.
        • ​힘들겠네요 = must be tired.
          • <= 힘들(다) + ~겠네요. 
          • ​힘들다 / 힘들어요 = 피곤하다 / 피곤해요
        • 그러면 = so, then
    • ~하겠어요. ~이겠어요. will, be going to. / want to, guess.
    • They are commoly used with the reason why, not a cause. But... The cause is usually the reason why we want or guess so. 
      • Natural 저는 여자지만, 군인이 되겠어요. 군인은 멋지니까요! I am a girl, But I will(or want to) become a soldier. Because soldiers are cool!
        • She can omit the green part. ​Even if it is hard, It's her will.
        • ~이/가 되다 become~
        • 되겠어요 <= 되(다) + ~겠어요
      • Need more context  (우리는 욍비님의 피를 봤어요.우리 아름다우신 왕비님은 이미 돌아가셨겠어요. (We fonud her blood) (I guess that) Our beautiful queen may has already passed away. 
        • the orange part is the effect of the cause, and the reason why the one think like this. But can be weaker than ~거야.
        • If we omit it and the context is not obvious, It can mean... the one just want to believe that Queen has passed away.
  • Not guess, but one's will
    • ~하려고요. ~하ㄹ래요. will, want to, decied to, be going to (in one's will, hope, goal, plan)
      • It is similar to 하겠어요... But is not used to guess.
      • ~하려고 = because ~ (one's goal or reason.)
      • Absurd 준혁이는 이제 저를 좋아하려고요. Now on Joonhyeok will try to like me. (We usually don't know other's will. Even if we know it, we usually don't say it)
        • Natural 준혁이는 이제 저를 좋아할 거에요. (I'm sure that) Joonhyeok will like me.
        • Natural 준혁이는 이제 저를 좋아하겠어요/겠네요. (I guess that) Joonhyeok will like me.
          • ​Of course, we need the reason in the context.
      • Natural (의사가 되려고) 이제부터 열심히 공부하려고요. I will study hard from now on. (Because I want to be a doctor.)
        • 공부하려고요 <= 공부하(다) + ~려고요
        • 공부하다, 공부해요 study
        • ~하려고요 can has the reason, the green part. but usually we don't need it. Because it is one's decison.
    • ~하ㄹ게요. I (promise that I) will
      • ​It is usually not one's duty.
        • "이 일 누가 할래요? Who want to do this work?" "제가 할게요. I'll do it."
        • "여섯 시에 갈게요. I'll go there at six"
          • 가다, 가요 go
          • 갈 게요 <= 가(다) + ㄹ게요
        • "제가 다시 설명할게요." I will explain it again."
          • 설명하다, 설명해요 = explain
          • again
      • "언제 올릴 거에요? When are you going to post it?(Why haven't you posted it yet?)" "나중에 올릴게요." I'll post it later(,I promise).
        • 올리다, 올려요. = post~ (on a site)
        • 올릴게요 <= 올리(다) + ㄹ게요
        • 나중에 later

But people often exaggerate. If Someone is nervous ahead of an important presentation, Her colleagues would say...

"다 괜찮을 거에요. 용기를 내주세요." Everything is going to be okay. Please, Be brave.

They may tried to comfort her. They may didn't have a good reason.


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