obedient | 말을 잘 듣는, 순종적인, 복종하는 | A hard wokrer and obedient, like we asked for. |
sullen | 뚱한, 시무룩한 | I couldn't tolerate a lazy boy or a sullen boy. |
abide | 참다,견디다/머무르다,깃들이다 | No, I couldn't abide it and I won't |
be in a state | 흥분하다, 보기에 흉한 꼴을 하다 | You must be in a state. |
absolve | (책임등을)면제하다/용서하다,사면하다 |
"If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked...but your own conscience of you and absolved you from guilt....you would not be without friends." |
orphan | N.고아/ V.고아로 만들다 | I haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts. |
be aware (of) |
~을 알다 (*beware-조심(주의)하다) |
I'm aware that I'm not much to look at, but even though I'm thin, I'm very strong. |
knack | 재주, 요령/~하는 버릇 | I've come to know the exact knack of it. |
ecstatic | 황홀해하는, 열광하는 | I an ecstatic beyond measure that I'm going to belong to you and your sister. |
strive | 분투하다, 전력하다 | And I will strive to be just the best daughter that anybody could ever have. |
bliss | 더없는 행복 | That is my highest ideal of earthly bliss. |
aggravate | 악화시키다/짜증나게하다 | People are always telling me that I do, and it seems to cause aggravation. |
fetch | 가지고(데리고/불러)오다/ 팔리다 | He's fetching a hired hand? |
notion | 개념, 관념, 생각 | What on earth put a notion into your head? |
sorrow | (큰)슬픔, 비애/ 슬픈일 | My lifelong sorrow. |
distinguished | 유명한, 성공한/ 기품[위엄]있는 | Anne with an "E" looks much more distinguished. |
distinctly | 뚜렷하게, 명백하게, 의심할 나위 없이 | But Mrs. Spencer said distinctly that you wanted a girl about my age. |
dally | 꾸물거리다, 미적거리다 | Don't dally. |
disrespect | 무례, 결례 | I don't mean any disrespect. |
conundrum | 난문제/ 수수께끼 | I don't understan the conundrum. |
coop up | 칩거하다, 꼼짝않고 들어앉아있다 | and I prefer to be outdoors instead of cooped up in a kitchen. |
fiddlesticks | 말도 안 돼 (상대방의 말에 동의하지 않을때) | -None at all? -fiddlesticks! |
incapable | 무능한(↔capable) | Do you consider yourself to be delicate and incapable? |
bewitch | 넋을 빼놓다, 홀리다/ 마법을 걸다 | I believe that child has bewitched you. |
dispatch | 보내다, 파견하다/ (편지 등을) 보내다, 발송하다 | No, she's gotta be dispatched strightway back where she came from. |
queer | 이상한, 괴상힌 | You're both queer enough, that's for sure. |
graveyard | 묘지/폐기장 | "My life is a perfect grabeyard of buried hopes." |
ruckus | 야단법석, 대소동 | I'm used to a ruckus. |
flighty | 덜렁대는/(여자가)변덕이 심한 | Oh, that Nancy is a terrible flighty thing. |
providential | 최우신조의 (=timely) | I call this positively providential. |
I'm at my wits' end - 여기서 wit란 지혜의 끝에 있음을 의미
따라서 한계점에 도달해 어찌할 바를 모르겠는 상황에 쓰는 표현
make up one's mind- 마음을 먹다, 결심을 굳히다
make up for -벌충(만회)하다
make up with- 화해하다
*If가 생략되면 주어와 동사의 위치가 바뀐다.
-it wouldn't make sense for Matthew to take the time to put on his best set of clothes had there been an emergency.
-Had I a book, I would press these sacred blossoms between its pages, so that I could be forever reminded of this treasured moment.