영문법 - 조동사


May I~? / Could I ~? / Can I ~?

Typical responses: yes, of course, certainly, no problem, go ahead, okay, okeydokey

Could you ~? / Would you ~?

Typical responses: yes, of course, certainly, no problem, okay, all right

  • would you? / could you? / won't you? 를 명령문 뒤에 더 할 수 있다.
  • Come here, would you?
  • shut the door, could you?
  • Don't be late, won't you?

had to는

have to / have got to / must의 과거

확신의 정도

  • He is sick. 100%의 확신
  • He must be sick. 99%정도의 확신
  • He can't be sick. 90%정도의 확신
  • He could be sick. 60~70%정도의 확신
  • He may be sick. 50%정도의 확신

used to(~하곤 했다) vs be used to(~하는데 익숙하다)

be used to = get used to = be accustomed to

과거 전체가 아니라 어느 특정한 순간에 가졌던 눈에 띄는 능력은 could가 아니라 was(were) able to로 나타낸다.
Tom started an exercise program. He was able to run three miles without stopping.
Tom은 운동 프로그램을 시작했다. 그는 쉬지않고, 3마일을 달릴수 있었다.
They could reach the top of Mt. Everest (x) They were able to the top of Mt. Everest (o)
에베레스트산은 아무나 오를 수 있는게 아니며 전문적인 기술과 체력과 훈련이 필요. 구체적인 능력을 말할때는 be able to

충고의 정도

should < had better < have to < must

  • You should go.
  • You had better go.
  • You have to go. (안가면 혼나)
  • You must go. (안가면 죽어)


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